Call: +61 3 8660 4700
28 Drummond Street, Carlton VIC 3053

Business Structure & Formation

The journey towards a successful business starts with a good foundation. Having the right structure from day one will provide that foundation a business needs.

Some of the common business structures are as follows:

  • Sole Trader
  • Partnership
  • Company.
  • Unit Trust
  • Discretionary Trust including Family Trust

FCG Tax Pty Ltd is able to advise you of the advantages and disadvantages of each structure as well as tailoring the best structure for your business needs. We believe in having a practical structure rather than having a complicated structure that not only put too much compliance pressure on you but does not provide any material benefits.

FCG Tax Pty Ltd can form the structure and proceed to apply the tax functions with the ATO for the business.

Some of the common tax functions are as follows:

  • Tax File Number (TFN)
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Goods & Services Tax(GST)
  • PAYG Withholding